We last saw and reviewed this show back in 2013. I wasn't particularly impressed then o I was keen to see if the show spoke to me more on this occasion.
It did not.
I'm not sure what it is but the show just doesn't connect with me, I love the music and the performers are clearly very talented but the overall effect leaves me cold. The show does no pretend to provide accurate renditions of the songs, or dances; some songs are close, some routines are very recognisably Jackson, but in general the "tribute" here is to use Jackson's repertoire and iconic moves as the basis for a general song and dance show. Or pantomime (setting sides of the audience off against each other), or biopic, ... therein lies the issue, I don't think the show has decided what it is. The frenetic choreography was amazingly undertaken by the cast but somehow failed to fill the void ... I think I might have preferred it not to be there all the time.
The show is called "Thriller" but the actual Thriller number is held till the end, between the bows and the disco-mix, and to be honest, it is one of the weaker numbers of the evening - it lacks the spark and precision of the original and the audience seemed to go quiet rather than whoop and holler along.
Personally speaking, this really isn't a show I enjoy but many of the audience did, though I saw some leave and heard others wondering, like I did, if this was a "story of..." or concert show.