The Ladykillers tells the story of the eccentric little old lady Mrs Wilberforce who lives alone with her parrots in a strange lopsided house in King’s Cross. Her life is turned upside down by the arrival of Professor Marcus and his four friends, who between them make up the most unlikely group of criminals. Planning the heist of a security van, they decide to use Mrs Wilberforce as cover and involve her unwittingly in the plot. Things do not go well and the Professor’s plan starts to unravel in spectacular and hilarious fashion.
What a fabulous evening at the theatre. From beginning to end this show justly finds its place in the West End. Gone are the mumblings from the film-to-stage weary audiences who feared Shawshank or Zorro may have been the sign of the times. This rewritten stage adaptation of the classic film has music hall tricks and humour, modern day accessibility, camp performance, stunning design and an ensemble to appeal to the hardest theatre critic. A family show with a wicked bite that will run and run in the West End. Truly a magical evening.