What an incredibly talented and energetic cast.
What a mess of a show.
I'm sorry, I know that this is a popular show (I know because of the video "advert" that starts the evening off) but I am at a loss to work out why. Yes, the audience seemed to love it, but then the audience went all giggly when the girls ripped off their dresses and screamed out loud when any boy appeared without his top on.
Why didn't I like it? Let me count the ways ... over amplified, dancing to a click-track, projections that are a cross between a My Little Pony advert and those "animated" pictures that used to adorn Indian restaurant walls, reject Dr Who villains, poorly directed scene changes, insipid sexualisation (baby doll nighties and bottom slapping, really?!), precious little attmept at using dance to tell a story, etc, etc. Taking all of this talent and making a show with precious little artistry is a real waste.