Underbelly. CRUSH produced by Iron Shoes. Written by Paul Charlton. Directed by Ria Parry
CRUSH is a brutally honest look at the inner workings (or more accurately failings) of a standard late 20’s relationship. It takes us through their hope and despair, challenges where our sympathies should lie and where they actually do. Charlton’s writing is funny, articulate, quick and brave. We follow Sam (beautifully captured by Neil Grainger) through his crisis as someone who deeply immersed in his own failings seeks attention and titillation to break the monotony of a career as yet unfulfilled. And so begins his crush, the fallout from which impacts on his wife Anna (Claire Dargo). Dargo is captivating in her portrayal of a weight-obsessed, practical women that never gives up hope. Parry in her taught, restrained, cleverly understated direction takes us on a weighty journey that means the only disappointment is that in the final moments we are left wanting more and for Charlton to continue this story on.