The Prisoner's Dilemma explores the delicate process of negotiating peace between a newly-independent post-Soviet government and an oppressed and militant Muslim minority. It is the third of David Edgar's plays about the aftermath by the fall of the Berlin Wall. The three plays deal with revolution, migration, and cultural and ethnic conflict, all subjects that remain relevant today. An epic dramatisation of attempts to resolve a bloody conflict on Europe's Eastern border.
Jeff Aguiar,
Rebecca Bossen,
Marc Carver,
Tim Davis,
Gil Faison,
Jon Fitts,
Jeanine Frost,
Matthew Hager,
Max Hanau,
Joey Heyworth,
Hope Hynes,
Maggie Lea,
Brian Linden,
Matthew Lubin,
Elise Kimple,
Tom McCleister,
Brook North,
Joel Oramas,
Julie Oliver,
Greg Paul,
Rajeev Rajendran,
Mikaela Saccoccio,
Steph Scribner,
David Skaggs,
Thaddeus WalkerCreatives/Company
David EdgarDirector(s):
Jerome Davis,
Stephen Eckert (assistant),
Carry Vaughn (assistant)
John HeitzenraterMusic(s):
John Heitzenrater,
Daniel J. Wolfert (choral music)
Matthew AdelsonCostume:
Caitlin CisekOther:
Kirby Wahl (dialect coach)
Stage Manager(s):
Laura Owens,
Shannon Plowden,
Steph ScribnerDramaturg(s):
Marshall Botvinik,
Erik Kildow