?Have you ever had one of those moments? You know? The kind where the earth stands still and for a second, a split second, you are at the centre of the universe. Everything falls in your favour. And then the world surges back in to motion, and you've been forgotten again. But for a second, a split second, you had it all.' Protected by canvas, whispered in torchlight; stories are being told. True stories. Stories where the impossible happened. Stories that changed everything. Stories that need to be told. The 10-33 Project is a devised work by the 33 Collective, a London based collective of musicians, storytellers, actors, writers, designers, film makers, choreographers, singers, songwriters and theatre makers. Using true stories of chance, coincidence, impulse and intuition; the magic in the everyday, we have built our campsite of stories. The kind of stories that for a second, a split second, make you believe that all and everything is possible.
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