Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) was the first of a trilogy of fairy tales adapted by French writer and director Joël Pommerat, and has been loved by audiences across the world. In this new interpretation, created for his young daughter to help her understand his work, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge is neglected by her mother and bravely faces the Big Bad Wolf on her own. Pommerat's version of this classic story uses a blend of powerful minimal stage design and perceptive performance to present a show with his trade mark distinctive atmosphere. To be enjoyed by children, as well as adults, as they address the desires, fears, loneliness and freedom experienced while growing up.
Rodolphe Martin (The man who tells the story),
Valerie Vinci (The little girl / the grandmother),
Isabelle Rivoal (The mother / wolf)
Compagnie Louis BrouillardCompany:
Compagnie Louis BrouillardDirector(s):
Joel Pommerat,
Philippe Carbonneaux (assistant),
Emmanuel Abate (technical director)
Marguerite Bordat,
Eric SoyerCostume:
Marguerite BordatLighting(s):
Eric Soyer,
Cyril CottetOther(s):
Thomas Ramon (set construction and supervisor),
Evelyne Pommerat (assistant documentalist)
Gregoire Leymarie,
Francois Leymarie,
Yann Priest (sound engineer)