Breathing Country, a play by award-winning writer Ben Musgrave, tells the story of two teenagers Simon and Lizzie who are growing up in a world where technology makes privacy impossible. Simon broadcasts every detail of his life on social networking sites while Lizzie desperately clings to her ever diminishing privacy. Meanwhile, Lizzie's father, Richard, Head of Communications at the Department of Health, aggressively promotes the new NHS Electronic Patient Record which will revolutionise healthcare in the UK and create 'the most fascinatingly detailed picture of a country anyone has ever seen'. Simultaneously Janet, a doctor and researcher, is eagerly looking forward to the day when patients' records are easily accessible, and research is made easier and faster by access to a huge range of records. But would you risk your privacy for the greater good? Can technology really be reliable? Or is the biggest risk to your data's security other people?
What's On By Year ...