Out of the Darkness is a new site-specific Gaelic performance. On a stormy night, we take a journey into the lives of various characters during a power-cut. In the darkness, with the wind howling outside, what can be done to pass the time? For information about related Gaelic workshops in February 2015, please contact Tramway Box Office. Taisbeanadh ur sa Ghsidhlig steidhichte air an aite far am bidh e an lathair. Air oidhche stoirmeil, gabhaidh sinn cuairt a dh'fhaicinn iomadach caractar's na tha tachairt riutha nuair a tha an dealain a' dol dheth. San dorchadas, leis a' ghaoth a' seideach a-muigh, de ghabhas deanamh gus an t?de a chaitheamh?
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