Still-Night is a work in progress toward the creation of a 40-minute show that takes as its protagonist the City in which it is being performed, inspired by Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities. This scratch will be focused on the first part of the show: a lecture on the city of London, sometimes described in details very familiar to the audience and sometimes slipping away until it seems an imaginary city, a long-lost world, a metropolis of many faces. Silvia and Gemma have been working together since 2003. Their prime interest has always been in drawing the audience's attention to the outside world without altering it's normal rhythm but rather by over-imposing a soundtrack or a story played out to a privileged audience disguised within their surroundings. Their work is informed and inspired by the architecture and geography of a place and by the life that inhabits it, placing the audience in the role of strangers and encouraging them to encounter the city as though for the first time.
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