The PLAGUE OF iDiOTS are graduates from the internationally renowned theatre school of Philippe Gaulier who trained actors such as Sacha Baron Cohen, Simon McBurney (Complicite) and Emma Thompson, as well as recent festival favourites Dr. Brown, Trygve Wakenshaw and Lucy Hopkins. A fist-full of clowns from France, Italy, Switzerland, England, and Australia, storm London with a display of such ridiculousness. You will never again question your own intelligence. Spend an hour in the company of Lou Lou, Hanquin Squirrel, Boulette, Pesto and Mariano as they entertain you with scenes of profound artistic brilliance (or not). Hosted, prodded and probed by the ever patient Monsieur Loyal, the only one among them possessing anything like intelligence.Plague of Idiots are a collective of graduates from the internationally renowned theatre school Ecole Philippe Gaulier in France. Running time: 50mins
Fanny Duret (Switzerland),
Richard Kimberley (England),
Andrea Maffei (Italy),
Laurent Mallet (France),
Giorgio Veirda (Italy),
Damien Warren-Smith (host - Australia)
The International Clown Collective