This show explores mankind's obsession with flying and thereby conquering gravity. Eight actors on flexible poles sway above the heads of the audience and sometimes even seem to touch the sky. Using the mythical character of Daedalus as the starting point to generate startling imagery. The performance explores flight and the margins around the concept of human flight, including the tensions between floating and falling, freedom and danger, myth and reality. Icarus will also make a spectacular appearance, personifying the human urge to push things past their limit. Set against the stunning background of Canary Wharf's tower, Strange Fruit will once again defy gravity with their mesmerising aerial choreography. Conventional methods of storytelling are forgotten as the company create an atmosphere of images, dreams and fleeting impressions. The effect is to fill the audience with a sense of wonder amazement as they sway atop 4 metre poles. A sense of the surreal pervades the work as the myths of Daedalus and Icarus are brought to life.
Company(s): Strange Fruit, Canary Wharf Arts and Events