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About the Show/Event

The Fureys
Information for The Fureys at Exmouth Pavilion, Exmouth (Concert). The Fureys (Exmouth Pavilion, Exmouth). Ireland's finest international folk group. Sunday, 12th May 2024.
Approximate runtime 2 hours 20 minutes (including any interval).

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The Fureys

The Fureys (tour) >

Sunday, 12th May 2024.

VENUE DETAILS: Exmouth Pavilion
Scroll down for reviews, theatre information and other details.


Tickets may be available directly from the venue. We do not currently have any links to on-line ticket agents for these performances.
  • The theatre's own website: Exmouth Pavilion
  • The theatre box office on 01395 222 477

User Reviews

Overall: 1.00
Anne Thomson (08Apr24):

Having greatly enjoyed the Fureys over many years, and being sympathetic with regards to Paul's death, and Davey's stroke, I feel a bit uncomfortable posting this review. Nevertheless, I saw them last night in Glasgow, and can only describe the overall experience as grim. I hope I can spare others the immense disappointment I experienced.On arrival I was amazed at the number of empty seats. I was soon to realise why!Certainly, there were positives. Most of the musicians, incidentally only 2 of whom were Fureys, were clearly talented,(Of Finbar,I have to say "we missed him,the old man". I had to question though the contribution of the guy on the guitar on the left) Another positive was that some of the old favourites" were good, and well enjoyed. However, I could make out very little of what Eddie was saying, the usual warm lively atmosphere of previous years was gone, there were too many songs that weren't characteristic of the Fureys of old. In conclusion, I feel they should qualify the title of the show in some way e.g. maybe "The Fureys - Eddy,and George with some new faces"As it was, I felt I'd been tempted there under false pretences.


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The Fureys at Exmouth Pavilion, ExmouthQTix Codes:
Listing: L0379926300
Production: T01163121507
Event: S44980828
Venue: V1759026987
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