This is a verse play following a young woman as she grows, settles and then finds herself unsettled by the life she's living. Essentially a one woman show with a chorus of two who provide music and occasional additional characters, this is a full-on performance that drives it story forward hard and fast. Verse can be hard to listn to as your brain is trying to fill in the rhymes ahead of time - in general this was not a problem here though I was aware of it from time to time.
Whilst enjoyable and entertaining, I don't think that this show was meant for people in their 60s (like me!), not because of the music, style, presentation or language but simply because the issues raised do not have the same impact. Should you leave a relationship that has lost the love, can you really start again in your mid-20s, should you give up on seven years together? With the benefit of life's hindsight the obvious answer to these is "yes, get on with it!" but that is not the reality for the young person living these issues. Putting myself back into my life with just those questions at just that age I remember the decisions seeming huge, I remember thinking I could not start a new life "at my age" ... those are the people to whom this play will speak most.
Quick note, I loved the scene where she brings her friends to se her new flat ... yep, we all have friends like that, love 'em.