It's an impossible challenge to recreate a sound and personality as big as Freddie Mercury. Mark Sanders makes a valiant try and he certainly pleased a packed theatre of Queen fans. If you want to join in the songs, call and responses, hand sways and stomps, Sanders encourages it relentlessly, as if he realises his best move is to get us all to share in this homage to the band. I was disappointed that he avoided many of the high notes, though he proved he could hit them. It shows what a vocally demanding set this is. The Band: Jon Caulton, Richard Ashford, Ben Parkinson and Michael Richards give us a rich mix of songs from early to late and each of them gets a turn in the spotlight.
On a stage cleared of Back to the Future for one night, the spectacle relies on lighting and Tye Connolly has designed an impressive swirl of effects to increase the excitement.
So, a mix of feelings towards this show: I came away reminded that when Freddie died we lost not just a great pretender, but an unmatchable performer. If you want to stir up your memories of this unique band, it's well worth the effort to go and indulge yourself in some of this kind of magic.
Derek Benfield