Information for Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake at Theatre Royal, Norwich (Dance or ballet). Firmly crowned as a modern day classic, Matthew Bourne's powerful, provocative and totally original interpretation of Swan Lake turned tradition upside down and took the dance world by storm, dazzling audiences in the West End and Broadway, and across Europe, Asia and Australia. The next generation.
Harrison Dowzell (The Swan / The Stranger - some dates),
Jackson Fisch (The Swan / The Stranger - some dates),
Rory Macleod (The Swan / The Stranger - some dates),
James Lovell (The Prince - some dates),
James Lovell (The Prince - some dates),
Leonardo McCorkindale (The Prince - some dates),
Stephen Murray (The Prince - some dates),
Nicole Kabera (The Queen - some dates),
Ashley Shaw (The Queen - some dates),
Katrina Lyndon (The Queen / The Girlfriend - some dates),
Bryony Wood (The Girlfriend - some dates),
Matthew Amos,
Benjamin Barlow Bazeley,
Alistair Beattie,
Ben Brown,
Carla Contini,
Jade Copas,
Anna-Maria de Freitas,
Perreira de Jesus Franque,
Jamie Duncan-Campbell,
Alexander Fadayiro,
Savannah Ffrench,
Cameron Flynn,
Louis Fukuhara,
Louis Harris,
Kurumi Kamayachi,
Aristide Lyons,
Callum Mann,
Eleanor McGrath,
Jarrod McWilliams,
Maisie Mwebe,
Mukeni Nel,
Eve Ngbokota,
George-Murray Nightingale,
Harry Ondrak-Wright,
Barnaby Quarendon,
Molly Shaw-Downie,
Nikolas Shikkis,
Xavier Andriambolanoro Sotiya,
Tom Standing,
Christina WaltersCreatives/Company
Matthew Bourne (Sir),
Etta Murfitt (associate artistic director)
Matthew Bourne (Sir)
Lez Brotherston,
Duncan McLean (video / projection)
Lez BrotherstonLighting:
Paule ConstableSound:
Ken HamptonOther(s):
James Miller (assistant general manager),
Sara Cormack (production coordinator)
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