Live music, a late show and food in the transformed Terrace Cafe...Join the MC and company for an irreverent late night show that takes an uncompromising look at London life. A versatile company of actors and musicians perform original material, by some of the country's leading writers, that reveals the delights, discomforts and delusions of the city. Played against a backdrop of spectacular views across London,
Metropolis Kabarett is a socially, sexually and politically potent mix of music, satire, wit and sketches. Special guests and political cartoonists will provide a few surprises.
Anna Francolini,
Henry Goodman,
Dawn Hope,
Peter Polycarpou,
Jenna Russell,
Paul SharmaCreatives/Company
Henry GoodmanDesign:
Madeline HerbertLighting:
Michael AtkinsonMusic:
Steven Edis (music)
Paul GroothuisAuthor(s):
Oliver Cotton,
Carol Ann Duffy,
Jeremy Front,
Paul Herzberg,
Irma Kurtz,
Fran Landesman,
John Mortimer,
Perry Pontac,
Arthur Smith,
Meera Syal,
Simon Wallace