This new musical adaptation explores the extraordinary world of a sorcerer and his rebellious daughter, as she discovers the explosive possibilities of her newfound magical powers. Against the backdrop of the Northern Lights, a small town has been pushed to the brink of collapse in a bid for progress and prosperity. To rescue Midgard from certain destruction, father and daughter must heal their relationship and work together. This gripping family-friendly story sees brooms coming to life and love blossoming anew. Acclaimed musical theatre writers Richard Hough and Ben Morales Frost have created this gender-swapped twist on the timeless poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which also inspired the Dukas symphony that memorably featured in the Disney film 'Fantasia'. This production was filmed at Southwark Playhouse in February 2021 and is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England
Nicola Blackman,
Dawn Hope,
Mary Moore,
Marc Pickerig,
Yazdan Qafouri,
David Thaxyton,
Tom Bales,
Ryan Ridgen,
Vicki Lee Taylor,
Kayleigh ThadaniCreatives/Company
James Seabright,
King's Head Theatre (associate producer)
Richard HoughMusic:
Ben Morales Frost (and orchestration)
Charlotte Westenra,
Scarlet Wilderink (puppets)
Musical Director:
Alann WilliamsChoreographer:
Steven HarrisDesign(s):
Anna Kelsey,
Maia Kirkman-Richards (puppets)
Clancy FlynnSound:
Ella WahlstromOther:
Scott Penrose (magic consultant)