Welcome to the cabinet of curiosities: a collection of rare artefacts and objects that demonstrate the universal connection of all things. Exploiting the alluring grace of marionettes, Wunderkammer opens up a world where the senses are free to roam. The wonderful and the mundane, technology and poetry exist in a near-perfect equilibrium. Virtuoso puppeteers Alice-Therese Gottschalk, Raphael Murle and Frank Senile come together to create this elegant and arresting performance. The puppeteers' skill is matched by a musical score that fuses the composition of jazz pianist Michael Wollney and harpsichord player Tamar Halperin with electronic music and custom-written pieces for cello by Bradley Kemp.
Author: Bradley Kemp
Company: Figurentheater Tubingen
Choreographer: Lisa Thomas
Costume: Evelyne Meerschaut
Lighting: Christian Glotzner
Music: Bradley Kemp