When Heathcliff, a mysterious child is rescued and brought to Wuthering Heights, he develops an inseparable bond to Cathy, a friendship which soon develops into a passionate and iconic love spanning generations and ending with tragedy. 'Featuring overly high drama, romantic violence, a touch of Yorkshire bleakness and a few alternative endings, Peter McMaster's award-winning, all-male performance revisits and re-imagines the landscapes and characters of Emily Bronte's seminal text. Focusing particularly on Heathcliff's mysterious disappearance from the moors, and his subsequent return as 'a man', four performers explore what it means to be a man living in the world today and consider how the lives and aspirations of men have changed since the book's publication 200 years ago. What should be left to history? And what should we hold onto as we move forward into the 21st century?
Murray Wason,
Chris Hall,
Nick Anderson,
Thom ScullionCreatives/Company
Book by:
Emily BronteDirector:
Peter McMaster