In the aftermath of a nuclear devastation that begins World War III, a company of soldiers barricade themselves underground with a sleep-inducing drug and a copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Awaiting orders as the world enters a terrifying nuclear age, tensions flare as the trauma of war takes its toll and their grip on reality is put to the test. As A Midsummer Night's Dream sinks from the page into each soldier's subconscious, their battle to survive the reality of war and come to terms with their experiences leads them to question: who is Moloch and what survives? Running time: 1hr 30mins
Austin Caley,
Jonathan Whittaker,
Andrew Miller,
Tara Postma,
Lily Carrie,
Samantha Wynn,
Abi Blears,
Luke Manning,
Jonathan Woodhouse,
Freya Parsons,
Robert Wallis,
Zuri Warren,
Eva Lea,
Liam FlemingCreatives/Company
Pamela CarraleroProducer:
Encompass ProductionsDirector:
Zuri WarrenDesign:
Samuel HarmanCostume:
Hilary McCool