Written around 1601 the play is set in Troy and the Greek camp outside the walls during the great siege. Trolius loves Cressida, daughter of a Trojan priest who has defected. The siege goes on all around with tales of Ajax and Achilles but no real progress. Troilus and Cressida are parted when Cressida is exchanged for a Trojan prisoner and we leave the siege still as fruitless as ever. This project will explore the eloquence possible in speaking Shakespeare's
Troilus and Cressida. The production will be played with live music and minimal settings.
Sam Alexander (Prologue / Antenor / Patroclus / Servant / Margarelon),
Penelope Beaumont (Ulysses),
Philip Bird (Hector / Calchas / Deiphobus),
Peter Forbes (Pandarus),
Colin Hurley (Thersites),
Roger McKern (Alexander / Diomedes / Priam / Man),
Thomas Padden (Menlaus / Paris),
Edward Peel (Achilles),
Juliet Rylance (Cresside / Andromache / Figure in Armour),
Hayley Jayne Standing (Nestor / Cassandra),
David Sturzaker (Troilus),
Yolanda Vazquez (Agamemnon),
Roger Watkins (Ajax),
Liana Weafer (Aeneas / Boy / Helen)
Globe TheatreDirector:
Giles BlockMusic:
Joseph Phibbs