Taking its inspiration from The Tower, by WB Yeats, the play tells the story of an old man who loses his wife to cancer. After she passes away, William escapes to a paradise of fantasy and past memories, a place far from the reality of his grief. Returning from beyond the grave, Rose revisits her widowed companion to perform one last act of love: to help him let go. The unfolding drama is told entirely without words, in their place movement, a gestural language, haunting accordion music and a use of masks that Lecoq-trained Theatre Ad Infinitum have entirely re-thought for this production. Theatre Ad Infinitum stunned audiences with their version of Odyssey in the Ustinov in 2010. They will be in residence at the Ustinov developing their latest show. This work-in-progress performance will last approximately. 40 minutes - please stay afterwards to give them your feedback!
George MannCompany:
Theatre Ad Infinitum