The Glumov family has fallen on hard times but by wit, cunning and flattery Yegor soon worms his way into the influential society of the newly rich. A satirical comedy. But the secrets they tell him end up in his diary, and his diary has been found! Backstabbing, greed, blind ambition and some wonderfully odd characters combine with Told by an Idiot's bold energy to create a truly theatrical, heartfelt and touching piece that is as provocative and pertinent as it was in 1868.
Richard Braine,
Hayley Carmichael,
Penelope Dimond,
Dyfan Dwfor,
Calum Finlay,
Lisa Hammond,
Nick Haverson,
Debbie Korley,
Nitin Kundra,
Carla Mendonca,
Dharmesh PatelCreatives/Company
Alexander OstrovskyCompany:
Told By an IdiotDirector:
Paul HunterAdapted by:
Rodney AcklandDesign:
Laura HopkinsSound:
Adrienne QuartlyLighting:
Philip Gladwell