A powerful, supernatural drama first performed in 1945. Based in a Welsh village a Miracle Boy's influence begins to permeate the village with several dramatc consequences. Rural Wales in the 1850s, in the immediate aftermath of the Crimean War. Dilys Parry lives in Blestin, a mountain village which has no children and worships no god since a disaster snatched away all its youth. Inconsolable since her husband was killed in the war, Dilys is gradually re-awakened to life when a prophet-like child working in her household is called by God to serve the world on an extraordinary new mission. ?And when a flashy showman from Birmingham arrives in the village, intent on exploiting the boy for financial gain, he too suddenly finds his life completely transformed by his conversion to the child's message. In the shadow of vast social inequalities and a mismanaged war, one small community rediscovers its lost faith, with startling consequences for the village, and the world beyond...
Louise Breckon-Richards (Bet),
Rhiannon Neads (Dilys),
Kristy Philipps (Menna),
Seiriol Tomos (Evan),
David Whitworth (Pitter),
Jamie Wilkes (Ambrose),
Melissa Woodbridge (Mrs Lake)
Emlyn WilliamsPresented by:
Weighed in Productions (in association with Neil McPherson for the Finborough Theatre)
Will MaynardDesign:
Ceci CalfCostume:
Isobel PellowLighting:
Ryan StaffordMusical Director:
Rhiannon DrakeMusic(s):
Rhiannon Drake,
Julian StarrSound:
Julian Starr