Returning to his homeland after being bitterly murdered in war, a haunted spirit seeks revenge on those who brought about his death. His lust and desire for the truth leads to one of the bloodiest plays ever written, The Spanish Tragedy. This modern-dress production rediscovers The Spanish Tragedy as a ferociously powerful exploration of grief, violence, and the human need for retribution.
Dominic Rowan (Hieronimo),
Penny Layden (Isabella / Ambassador),
Keith Bartlett (King of Spain),
Guy Williams (Duke of Castille),
Richard Clews (Viceroy / Bazulto),
Charlie Covell (Belimperia),
Patrick Myles (Lorenzo),
Hasan Dixon (Horatio),
Richard Shanks (Deputy / Pedro),
Andrew Fallaize (Pedringano),
Francis Ortega (Andrea),
Msimisi Dlamini (Balthazar)
Thomas KydProducer(s):
Doublethink Theatre,
Jacob Wagen,
Sotirios HatjoullisDirector(s):
Mitchell Moreno,
Janine Snape CDG (casting),
Paul Benzing (fight)
Helen GoddardLighting:
Emma ChapmanOther(s):
Iestyn Evans (puppet supervisor),
Ian Galloway (video)
Tim Middleton