In this delightful, thoughtful comedy, Geoff, an ex Butlin's Redcoat, lives in a house atop a crumbling cliff on the Isle of Wight. He is bothered because Stan the cat refuses to use the newly-installed cat flap and Denise, his gardener, decides that she had better stop mowing his lawn when she finds out that Geoff's naturist wife met a grisly fate when she fell from the crumbling cliff. Gurth, Geoff's neighbour, a retired ex-theatrical, decides to move away from the danger of the cliff to a new estate close by. Geoff, however, likes his house and refuses to move despite cracks appearing in his wall...
Susie EmmettCreatives/Company
Sean CookPresented by(s):
Warehouse Phoenix,
Fairfield HallsDirector:
Ted Craig