Engrossing twentieth century comedy at its best. First performed 1948, revamped in 1997 (to two acts instead of three). Thomas Mendip, a soldier out of love with the world, comes to a small town and tries to persuade the powers-that-be that he is a murderer, so they will hang him. Meanwhile Jennet Jourdemayne, a young woman accused if witchcraft, is brought before the Mayor and sentenced to burn. Thomas falls helplessly in love with her. Luckily Jennet has fallen for him to...
Morgan Brind,
John Cooper-Day,
Grant Gillespie,
Michael Kirk,
Gemma Larke,
Patrick Myles,
Laura Sanchez,
Gay Soper,
Dan Starkey,
Geoffrey TowersCreatives/Company
Christopher FryProducer(s):
Finborough Theatre,
Mark PuddleCompany: