The House of Cowards is a sardonic comedy set in spring 1958. Adam Shemtov, a mystical man known as 'The Speaker', is due to give a widely anticipated speech on the human condition to the downtrodden inhabitants of North Willingstone, a claustrophobic provincial town. To the Hicks family his arrival heralds the possible return of a more optimistic life and the happiness that has long eluded them. Meanwhile Mr. Nott, an estranged widower, arrives from London in search of an old friend, Mason. The search for lost friends and meaning to a humdrum world go on but will the characters find what they are looking for?
Simon Purse,
Victoria Kempton,
Eluned Hawkins,
Christopher Poke,
Jesse Cooper,
Damian Regan,
Charlotte Gallagher,
Michael HaldenCreatives/Company
Dannie AbseProducer:
Leonie Scott-Matthews (for Pentameters Theatre)
Conrad Blakemore