World-renowned detective Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Dr Watson are asked to unravel the mystery surrounding the untimely death of Sir Charles Baskerville. With rumours of a cursed giant hound loose on the loose moors, they must act fast in order to save the Baskerville family's last remaining heir. When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on his estate, with a look of terror still etched on his face, and the paw prints of a gigantic hound beside his body, the great detective Sherlock Holmes is summoned from Baker Street, with Dr Watson in tow, to unravel the mysteries surrounding his death, and investigate the ancient curse of the Hound of the Baskervilles.
Book by:
Arthur Conan DoyleAdapted by(s):
John Nicholson,
Steven CannyCompany:
Built by BarnPresented by(s):
The Barn Theatre,
The Everyman Theatre