World-renowned detective Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Dr Watson are asked to unravel the mystery surrounding the untimely death of Sir Charles Baskerville. With rumours of a cursed giant hound loose on the loose moors, they must act fast in order to save the Baskerville family's last remaining heir. A hound it was, an enormous coal-black hound, but not such a hound as mortal eyes have ever seen... Charles Baskerville is dead, and a terrifying beast is rumoured to stalk the moors around the remote Baskerville mansion. When Sherlock Holmes sends Doctor Watson to investigate, Watson finds himself surrounded by dense fog and a community steeped in folklore, legend and rumour, where the line between reality and myth is no longer clear. How can a rational man trust his own eyes when confronted with the impossible?
Book by:
Arthur Conan DoyleProducer:
Northern StageAdapted by:
Douglas MaxwellDirector:
Jake Smith