A classic Sherlock Holmes mystery set on a foggy and sinister moor. A beloved baronet lies murdered...Mysterious omens of doom are sent by unseen hands...An escaped psychopath brings reign of terror...A terrifying beast is glimpsed in the dead of night... Inspired by the infamous radio broadcasts of Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre Company of the late 1930's, a small company of actors will bring to life a multitude of characters whilst using an array of sound foley props, to produce every sound effect live on stage. This new re-imaging by Natalie-Anne Downs will be a re-enactment of what live radio broadcasts may have been like. Audiences will be invited to engross themselves completely in this radio theatre experience, as they are taken back to 1930's England and watch a collective of recording artists who have come in to the studio to record a thrilling version of The Hound Of The Baskervilles for its listeners. Performances will be recorded live on each night of the show. Audience members will also be given blindfolds as an option to fully enjoy the experience of the audio elements of the show on their senses. Running time: 2hrs 30mins inc. an interval
Laura Bacon,
Jonathan Broke,
Katie Don-Hughes,
Henry Douthwaite,
Jannik Kuczynski,
James Maclaren,
Robbie Telfer,
Matthew WadeCreatives/Company
Book by:
Sir Arthur Conan DoyleCompany:
Veni Vidi Theatre CompanyAdapted by:
Simon WilliamsDirector:
Natalie-Anne DownsSound:
Andrew DiversLighting:
Anna SbokouDesign:
Dagmara BaranCostume:
Eun Kyung Lee