A unique collection of works by an ever-surprising international ensemble. A celebration of the human spirit's ability to survive even the most testing of times, The Catastrophe Trilogy is a collection of works that share a common playful interest in the act of storytelling and are at once touching, comic and resolutely hopeful.
Alice Bell - A fictional character born into a fictional conflict, Alice seeks happiness in a divided land, finding love and companionship but at a terrible cost. Part theatre, part fairy-tale, Alice Bell offers a portrait of life as an act of hope.
Daniel Hit By A Train - This story is inspired by Postman's Park, a Victorian memorial in the heart of the City of London commemorating true tales of lives lost through heroic acts. Each tragedy in turn is told, in all its comedic, vaudevillian glory as a testimony to our instinct to help each other.
The Festival Moving - away from the heroic protagonists of the previous tales, the final part presents an episode in the life of a character where chance and coincidence leave an indelible mark. All three shows on the same day.
Lone Twin TheatreDirector(s):
Gary Winters,
Gregg WhelanLighting(s):
Joe Mapson,
Sarah-Jane Grimshaw,
Mark Webber,
Rebecca CurtisMusical Director:
Paul Dale-Vickers