Two intriguing new plays revealing personal lives amidst global political struggles, each inspired by one of the female characters in the works of Rabindranath Tagore, the celebrated Bengali poet and playwright.
Purnjanam/Born Again - In a city of transition and tradition, three liars, two lovers and a reluctant leader all desperately search for a truth. As Mumbai burns, Purnjanam questions destiny, love and power, asking what must be destroyed for something new to be created.
Endless Light - Amid environmental havoc and torn loyalties, an activist protesting against an opencast coalmine on top of a sacred mountain and the mine owner discover they share a secret they can no longer avoid. Running time: 105 mins
Kali Theatre CompanyAuthor(s):
Sharmila Chauhan (Purnjanam / Born Again),
Sayan Kent (Endless Light)
Janet Stell (Purnjanam / Born Again),
Elizabeth Freestone (Endless Light)