After the award-nominated production of 'Lot and His God" that we presented in November 2012, we are delighted to be welcoming Howard Barker back to The Print Room for a series of readings performed by his own company: The Wrestling School. This two-day festival comprises four new plays in rehearsed readings performed by members of the company, and Howard Barker in discussion with the company and the journalist Mark Brown. Fri May 3 15:00 -
Concentration - A play of neurotic intensity which puts Barker's most poetic form at the service of a play whose protagonists are lovers of contrasting ages and murderous ideals. Fri May 3 19:30 -
In the Depths of Dead Love - A fable of the Chinese feudal poet Chin, exiled to the remotest province and the proprietor of a bottomless well. Who may choose to die in this well, and for what reason, becomes his obsession... Sat May 4 15:00 -
Dying in the Street - The death-wish of an entire community is embodied by the inhabitants of a single street. Like Wedekind's 'Lulu', its main protagonist is an agent of destruction and despair, but unlike Wedekind's heroine she is a woman distinguished by her virginity and age. Sat May 4 19:30 -
Distance - This intense chamber piece is a meditation on love and grief.
Nicholas Le Prevost (Concentration),
Victoria Wicks (Concentration),
Jane Bertish (In the Depths of Dead Love),
Nicholas Le Prevost (Dying in the Street),
Melanie Jessop (Dying in the Street),
Jane Bertish (Distance)
Howard BarkerDirector(s):
Howard Barker (Concentration),
Peter Kavanagh (In the Depths of Dead Love),
Hanna Berrigan (Dying in the Street),
Gerrard McArthur (Distance)