A brand new version of Ibsen's epic verse drama featuring a cast of fifteen. Set in a fictitious city of gangsters, with beautiful women and a mysterious singer known as Miss Kabaret Button-Moulder, the story follows Peer Gynt's adventures into a corrupt underworld where loyalty is the only means of survival. Underscored with music and interspersed with song and dance, the show takes us on a journey that explores other worlds without necessarily travelling the globe.
Annamaria Adams,
David Bevan,
Lynette Creane,
Mairead Cumiskey,
Cleo Felstead,
Ben Goffe,
Paul Kendrick,
Filip Krenus,
Zoe Land,
Rob Langston,
Jenni Lea-Jones,
Andrea Miller,
Juliet Prew,
Simeon Oakes,
Patrick West-OramCreatives/Company
Berislav Juraic (for London International Theatre)
Ibsen Stage CompanyTranslation:
Terje TveitAdapted by:
Terje TveitDirector(s):
Terje Tveit,
Roza Grigorova (casting)
Yana ValchevaCostume:
Lucia Conejero RodilaLighting:
Christopher NairneSound:
Jack HarrisOther:
Sorrell Moore (stage manager)