Set in the year 2050, the show explores issues such as climate change and humanity's relationship with water through a fictional intergovernmental organisation called New Atlantis, with the audience invited to take an active role as its front line 'agents'. In a crucial pre-election assembly, the agents of New Atlantis will engage with policy makers, humanitarians, scientists and engineers and then must choose to stand behind a new leader, ultimately deciding the fate of the planet. Running time 2hrs 30mins. Tickets: <a href=" ">Website</a>
Dr Hugh Mortimer,
Dr Helen Czerski,
Ilan Kelman,
Sammie Buzzard,
Ben Lishman,
Tarit K Mukhopadhyay,
Dr Paul Hellier,
Dr Nick Bradbeer,
Liz SharpCreatives/Company
Sean Turner