Studio Ghibli's film "My Neighbour Totoro" brought to the stage. The 1988 animated feature by Hayao Miyazaki, follows the lives of sisters Satsuki and Mei as they move to the countryside and encounter magical creatures. It was first show on the big screen in the UK in 2001 at the Barbican Cinema.
Haruka Abe (Yasuko / Puppeteer),
Li-Leng Au (Puppeteer),
Boaz Chad (Puppeteer),
Nino Furuhata (Kanta / Puppeteer),
Andrew Futaishi (Puppeteer),
Zachary Hing (Puppeteer),
Susan Momoko Hingley (Miss Hara / Puppeteer),
Yojiro Ichikawa (Puppeteer),
Arina Ii (Puppeteer),
Haruka Kuroda (Nurse Emiko / Puppeteer),
Marian Lee (Puppeteer),
Matthew Leonhart (Puppeteer),
Mei Mac (Mei),
Aki Nakagawa (Puppeteer),
Kanako Nakano (Tsukiko / Puppeteer),
Ami Okumura Jones (Satsuki),
Michael Phong Le (Hiroshi / Puppeteer),
Tobi Poster-Su (Puppeteer),
Si Rawlinson (Puppeteer),
Dai Tabuchi (Tatsuo / Puppeteer),
Jacqueline Tate (Granny / Puppeteer),
Shaofan Wilson (Puppeteer)
Joe HisaishiAdapted by:
Tom Morton-SmithOrchestration:
Will StuartProducer:
Royal Shakespeare CompanyPresented by:
Joe HisaishiDirector(s):
Phelim McDermott,
Ailin Conant (associate)
Tom Pye,
Basil Twist (puppetry)
Kimie NakanoLighting:
Jessica Hung Han YunChoreographer:
You-Ri YamanakaSound:
Tony GayleCompany: