A one man play, begins in the total darkness of a movie theatre. After a long silence, someone in the audience shushes his neighbour, and the show begins. ...a series of characters whose lives seem eerily related. There's the young boy who tells the story of the neighbour lad who hacked up his father in the basement. There are alcoholic Al and whiny Janine, the lovers who quarrel, make up, and decide to marry after seeing a movie about a lad who...well, same thing. There's the ex-drunk who dreamed up the movie, but got no credit because he was said to have stolen the idea from a famous unfinished film, a claim that so angered him that he went back on the sauce. And there's the movie maker who made that incomplete epic. Philadelphia Inquirer
Geoffrey Towers,
Jonathan de Mallet Morgan,
Annalie Wilson,
Rob Crumpton,
Elinor Keber,
James CanvinCreatives/Company
Daniel MacIvor,
Daniel BrooksProducer:
The System Theatre (in association with Rose Bruford College)
Ryland Alexander