The Scottish Play - theatrical types consider saying its name to be unlucky! Thrust into power by his overwhelming desires and an over ambitious wife, Macbeth finds his only security is to murder and murder again. From "When shall we three meet again" to "is this a dagger I see before me" a powerful Shakespearean drama. Antic Mind's productions of Macbeth makes Shakespeare's tragedy accessible to the contemporary audience. Set during World War II it gives the play's themes of ambition and the battle between good and evil a modern perspective and thus greater relevance for today's theatregoer. This interpretation discards the usual stereotypes associated with the play: the witches are the embodiment of 20th century evil, the thanes are seen as genuine war lords and Macbeth reeks havoc with Stalinesque despotism. Suitable for any Shakespeare lover, this production has taken into consideration the needs of Key Stage 3 students studying the play for SATs exams in May 2002.
Antic Mind