Arches Artist In Residence Adrian Howells explores our complex and ambiguous relationship with water in this immersive theatrical experience. In the intimate setting of the training pool at Govanhill Baths, Howells and actor/dancer Ira Mandela Siobhan perform this new scripted piece, part devised from conversations with members of the local community. Exploring the emotional and psychological effects of water, from its therapeutic qualities to our overwhelming fear of it, lifeguard re-evaluates the place of swimming in our lives as a health-promoting and life-saving activity. Working collaboratively with Mike Brookes, Minty Donald, Rob Drummond, Jane Mason, Nick Millar and Nichola Scrutton, lifeguard offers a multi-sensory experience incorporating projection, sound and movement. While audience members are encouraged to wear their swimsuits in this warm, accepting environment, it is not compulsory. Similarly, while audience members may be invited to sit around or go in the pool, this is an invitation only. Full details available on the booking information page. Age 12+
Adrian HowellsCreatives/Company
Adrian HowellsProducer(s):
National Theatre of Scotland,
The Arches (in association with Govanhill Baths Community Trust)