In a small room above Kilburn High Street, a motley group of believers and sceptics are forced together. Facing a potential doomsday scenario, will it be 'baton down the hatches' or 'business as usual'. Or is there an action that could actually shape their new world?
Invisible Storms combines big issues that make us think with the intimate human experiences that make us feel. In performance the action of this devised piece will remain improvised. A clear story will be told, but it will never be fixed on paper; instead, it will be newly re-invented every night, making
Invisible Storms a uniquely live theatrical event. Running time: approx. 90 mins
Richard Atwill,
Hywel John,
Carrie Jones,
Benjamin Peters,
Sarah Louise YoungCreatives/Company
Jamie Harper,
Dan MuirdenProducer:
Sound DustDirector(s):
Jamie Harper,
Dan Muirden