The famous horror tale revolves around a struggle between good and evil, tradition and modernity, and lust versus chastity. You will meet only the Count himself, but heroes Jonathan Harker and Abraham Van Helsing, plus an array of madmen, psychiatrists, and fair maidens who cross paths with the fanged menace! See this chillingly beautiful play; see the icy, stark and vivid images conjured by Bram Stoker's tale of the unresting vampire who must feed on the blood of others to survive! Share the terrifying tale of Jonathan Harker's trip to Transylvania and his ordeal as a guest of Count Dracula! Return to Britain to find Dr Van Helsing battling to save his wife's dearest friend, the ravishing Lucy, from the Count's overwhelming powers! Who is true object of Dracula's desire? Will evil be vanquished forever?
John Godber,
Jane ThorntonCompany:
Grand Theatre AcademyDirector:
Paul David-Gough