After the success of The Autumn of Han, Red Dragonfly Productions return with another exciting adaptation of a Chinese classic. Based on the ancient Chinese legend of DiaoChan, part of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and known as the Chinese Macbeth, it is an epic story of lust, jealousy and revenge. The Empire is in turmoil and the tyrant DongZhuo, with the great warrior LuBu at his side, is systematically putting to the sword all those who oppose him. The minister WangYun fears for the lives of his family, but when both DongZhuo and LuBu show a lustful interest in DiaoChan - a singing girl of WangYun's household - she comes up with a plan that could solve both their problems - a plan that would see DongZhuo fall and see her rise to the ranks of the nobility.
Red Dragonfly Productions