This dark comedy portrays an intense love affair between a naive Greek student, her elderly charismatic yet brutal Oxbridge professor and the student's overindulging, oversexed, decadent Greek mother. Over the course of 20 years the threesome explores all possible notions about love, sex, madness, beauty, emotional blackmail and sperm donation, in what seems a roller coaster of amusing and heart breaking extremities where genre and cultural (Greek-English) boundaries are stretched and analysed. The play is based on a true story. Other Info: This production combines stage and screen in order to show this provocative love story from two different angles: the conscious and the subconscious.
Iain Dootson,
Helena Mitchell,
Karen McCafrey,
Eva Tecedeiro (film),
Robert Mantel (film),
Daniel Walker (film)
Katerina CurtisProducer:
Inventome LtdDirector:
Katerina CurtisDesign:
James CoombesLighting:
Philip JonesCostume:
Eugenia MinakoulisOther:
Paul Curtis (film shot and editor)