Lorca offers his poetic and disturbing personal vision of Spanish life in the 1930's. In a society where all weddings are blood weddings, this classical tragedy, starkly plotted, offers all the traditional elements of ill fated lovers and family feuds.
Miranda Harriwon (Mother),
Angela Bull (Bride),
Caroline Boulton (Mother-in-law / Girl 2),
Kendall Goddard (The Neighbour / Servant),
Sally Smith (Wife of Leonardo / Moon),
Helen MacBain (Death - as a beggar woman / Girl 1),
Will Hartley (Leonardo),
Scott Andrews (Bridegroom),
Phil Matcham (Father of the Bride)
Frederico Garcia LorcaProducer(s):
Michael Hubbard,
Tammy MitchellCompany:
Chelsea PlayersDirector:
Susie Clare