A new live performance by Liv Wynter featuring a group of anarchic and politically enraged untrained performers and musicians, Liv Wynter's new performance explores the importance of subculture as a tool for radical organising. If The Specials, who were last in the spotlight for being an anti-Thatcher and anti-racist ska band, have made a new album during the Theresa May era - what does this mean for political progress in the UK? And if punk is really dead, are we next?
Liv Wynter (The Polemic),
Chanel Vegas (The Choir),
Sam the Plumber (The Choir),
Andrew Palmer (local cross dresser - The Choir),
Lu (The Choir),
Caitlin King (The Band),
Les iserable (The Band),
J Dangerous (The Band),
Sad Queers Club (The Band)
Liv WynterProducer(s):
Liv Wynter,
The Bunker,
Flo O'MohonyDramaturg(s):
Travis Alabanza,
Nicola Baldwin