Comedy about the Duchess of Windsor, set in Paris in 1972. The extraordinary events of her life come back to haunt her on the eve of her return to England behind her husband's coffin. Their relationship, as American socialite Wallis Simpson and Edward Prince of Wales later King Edward VIII had shocked the world and rocked the monarchy in the 1930s. Her attempts to reverse the Abdication of 1936 were to influence the events that led up to the Second World War. This is a play with a powerful mix of comedy and pathos. The behind-the-headlines, story of one of the 20th century's most enduring icons is revealed in which we follow the Duchess's career from Baltimore to Buckingham Palace and Berchtesgarten, the country retreat where she meets Hitler and plots to restore Edward to his throne.
Fenella Fielding,
Kay D'ArcyCreatives/Company
Paul WebbDirector:
John BrennerDesign:
Gabriella Csanyi WillsLighting:
Mick Smith