One of Ayckbourn's funniest and best loved comedies,
A Chorus of Disapproval centres on a diffident widower who attempts to escape from his loneliness by joining the local amateur list operatic society. By not saying 'no' to anything, be it a request to obtain confidential information from his company or an offer of illicit sex, he advances, by accident rather than design, from a one-line part to the lead. Ayckbourn's script shows us how painfully embarrassed are the British in the face of emotion and keeps us laughing in happy recognition.
Stephen Beckett,
Bill Champion,
Claudia Elmhirst,
Emma Gregory,
Melanie Gutteridge,
Eliza Hunt,
Denis King,
Adrian McLoughlin,
Sarah Moyle,
Patrick Myles,
Roger Sloman,
Billie-Claire Wright,
Philip York,
Anja Rodford,
Iain WinstanleyCreatives/Company
Alan AyckbournProducer:
Stephen Joseph TheatreDirector(s):
Alan Ayckbourn,
Denis King (music)
Michael HoltLighting:
Jason TaylorChoreographer:
Sheila Carter