We suppose you all wonder what do our Panto stars do between each serving of the annual rubbish. Just what to do? Suzy and David tend to while away the nine months, lolling around their Bloomsbury and Kensington apartments in diaphenous silk downs, drinking vintage champagne and asking what is my part going to be like in this year's Panto. David no longer certain he will play a man and Suzy no longer certain she will play a girl of 16. David and Suzy will share some of their favourite poems (not by Berwick Kaler), play readings (not by Berwick Kaler), the odd song (not by Berwick Kaler) and some gags (possibly by Berwick Kaler but most likely by Martin Barass) as they simply wait... Yes wait for the next Panto to start and for life yet again to take on some meaning. The proceeds of this event will go towards the theatre's ongoing work with the community.
David Leonard,
Suzy Cooper